"guest tools" matching your virtualisation host. So a VM on a VMWARE host needs **open-vm-tools** to ... d console font and most important, the font size, so humans can conveniently read the console without ... s Server is supposed to work as a router/firewall so it has multiple interfaces. Your interface names ... F
netplan apply
- Configure SSH daemon, so it uses a non standard port for all interfaces (w
E with a webbrowser from any internal (lan) host. So fire up some webbrowser on your workstation: <cod... ur browser You need to "add a security exception" so it will let you pass and display the website.**
... runs the old packages that came with the DVD/ISO. So we should update/upgrade the underlying OS (Debia... rface** now, to gain internet access for the PVE, so we can reach the Debian online repositories. One
existing (SAMBA 4 based) Active Directory domain, so that users can use their AD user accounts to grap... in it to an existing Active Directory (AD) Domain so that U**sers can logon to it using their Domain-A... refor create or edit your ntp daemon config file, so it uses your prefered timeserver: \\ <file conf /... # WE DONT WANT FOREIGN TIME SERVERS TO BE USED.
# So we commented out all those "pool" lines.
resting for some "retro computing" guys as well.
So how to achieve that ?
As always, there is more t... 18.04 LTS and Ubuntu 19.04 available at all time. So ill need the code names for its respositories/sec... hich makes it more complex and is not shown here. So avoid the use of several different mirror servers... to fork and reorganize this open source project. So we are NOT USING THE UBUNTU VERSION OF ''APT-MIRR
u bemerken dass ich hier nicht die in linux sonst so übliche Shadow-Passwords Technologie verwende, so... ixed.
# therefor its nesesary to handly with it so users with expired passwords are not
# getting ... out permanently. i added a check for grace logins so the user gets
# a warning and an information ab...
# set the default ppolicy for normal users here so i can lookup their grace logins
Diese Dokumentation zeigt wie man sich sein Excel so einrichten kann damit es uns dabei unterstützt fe... se an dieser Stelle nun in eine ungültige ändern, so wird sich die Zelle wieder in Ihre eigentliche "U... gen, können Sie die Funktionsweise auch umkehren, so dass ein Farbwechsel nur bei falschen Adressen vo... man sich die Befingte Formatierung wie folgt ein, so erhält man einen noch bequemeren Effekt. Hat man
println( oldTmp + " is even. So i take 1/2: " + tmp );
}else{ // so must be Odd then...
int oldTmp=tmp;
println( oldTmp + " is odd. So i make 3n+1: " + tmp );
return tmp;
}... %2!=0){
return false; // there is a remainder. So it must be ODD.
return true; // there
additional IP (external) addresses to containers, so one could run additional network services like DN... ker installation method there is none by default. So we prepare the storage and create a config file: ... to run BOTH on the SAME HOST with the SAME PORT. So i simply needed another IP address i can bind the... ant to add more IP addresses to your Docker host, so you can separate things a bit better and bind con
igen Website]]. Ich empfand diese Info allerdings so praktisch dass ich mich entschlossen habe eine de... meisten Linux Distributionen zur Zeit noch immer so voreingestellt dass Sie das klassische "mbox" Abl... . Entsprechend ist auch MUTT in den meisten Fälle so voreingestellt das es zunächst mal nur mbox spric... her aber dafür können Anwendungen und Prozesse um so besser auf die einzelnen Daten zugreifen. Es biet
TA 12 on 64Bit SLES 11 sp1 - libgtksourceview-1.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file ======
Today i... le loading shared libraries: libgtksourceview-1.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file o... d by default at **/usr/lib64/libgtksourceview-2.0.so.0**. I was not able to find any reliable document... ating i found out that the **libgtksourceview-1.0.so.0** is supposed to be Part of another RPM Package
the Internet seems to have the Schematics online, so i started to investigate and reverse-engineered i... t-Voltage at TP1. (Uin - Uce Voltage Drop at T2). So the Problem is somewhere around T1 who controls T... or with around 0.6-0.7V voltage drop Ubc and Ube. So in "unsoldered mode" it looks normal to me.
- W... nsistor was conducting no matter which direction. So the T1 is considered DEAD or BLOWN.
- I search
* DHCP Server updates local DNS Server (bind) so that the client FQDN becomes resolvable network w... k, right ? But how to automate this with Ansible, so all i'll have to do is fire up just one command l... Also have this little Linux shell script with it, so that Ansible has some way to check when a fqdn ge... s with "hostname caching" of the systemd service. So i needed something that takes care of all this, w
T to make sure that people are using this method, so that users will receive future updates to the pac... ad out and not provided in a compact form, IMHO.
So for convenience i assembled all the details into ... This whole section is done by the **root** User! So open some terminal and enter **''sudo -i''** to b... wiki/Linux_Downloads]] we need to prepare ''apt'' so it will trust the Oracle packages. Therefor we do
"parallel" zu schalten. Ähnlich wie Carbon-Copy. So kann man z.B. beobachten was jemand auf der Conso... <note important>
Groß- Kleinschreibung spielt wie so oft unter Unix/Linux eine große Rolle! Achten Sie... "Attention!" gefolgt von dem eigentlichen Befehl. So wie ein Kommandant beim Militär die Truppen befeh... halb einer bestehenden Screen-Sitzung aufgerufen, so erzeugt Screen nur ein neues Fenster und startet
's heading is changed, its bookmark changes, too. So don't rely on section linking too much.
==== Int... uWiki will automatically add them as alternatives so that one of the three files is understood by your... ighlighter/|GeSHi]] Generic Syntax Highlighter -- so any language supported by GeSHi is supported. The