STATA 12 on 64Bit SLES 11 sp1 - cannot open shared object file
Today i tried to install STATA12 Statistics Software on a SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 sp1 64bit and stumbled over an error message that some library is yet not found:
host:/usr/local/stata12 # xstata xstata: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
While investigating the problem i found out that a newer Version of that library has been installed by default at /usr/lib64/ I was not able to find any reliable document on the Internet covering this Problem and nor i was able to find a matching RPM Package in the SLES Repositories. After some more investigating i found out that the is supposed to be Part of another RPM Package called “gtksourceview18” (Duh!). So a simple…
zypper install gtksourceview18
… did the Trick! Now STATA 12 looks satisfied and happy.
Hopefully with my little Page here you are not going to struggle as long as i did.
GOOD LUCK and Happy Linuxing!
— Axel Werner 2012-03-22 14:35