is behavior can be enabled in the [[doku>config]] file. Hint: If DokuWiki is a link, then it's enabled.
... ?php
* Customization of the english language file
* Copy only the strings that needs to be modifie... ats. To mitigate the problem, you can upload your file in different formats for maximum browser compatib... filename as the video and be either a jpg or png file. In the example above a ''video.jpg'' file would
later will have to add it to your **/etc/hosts** file.
- Test if important AD specific DNS records a... or edit **/etc/krb5.conf** to look like this: \\ <file conf /etc/krb5.conf>
default_realm... DE
ticket_lifetime = 24h
renew_lifetime = 7d
- Ensure proper time synchronisation using chr... r. Therefor create or edit your ntp daemon config file, so it uses your prefered timeserver: \\ <file co
station. Note the device name/path.
- Write ISO file to the USB stick using **dd** <code>
cd Downloads... rfaces by editing the **/etc/network/interfaces** file. This is what i am going for. So first log in to ... PVE with SSH and make a backup of the interfaces file: <code>
ssh root@pve.lan
# type yes to confirm
... nterfaces**. Use any editor of choice to edit the file (vi, nano, pico are preinstalled). In my case i p
d/or archive files and they mix up each and every file format and filename extensions, it quickly can ge... n filename extensions and sometimes on the actual file content.
The shell script is nowhere near compl... rmful. So be warned and use at your own risk!**
<file bash>
# f... rintWarning "\tFile extension missmatch detected. File '$fileNameWithPath' is of type '$fileTypeDescComp
y not?)
- Have this Ansible Playbook prepared: <file yaml deploy-centos7-from-template-on-virtualbox.y... : show fqdn of new vm
command: hostname -f
- Also have this little Linux shell script wit... but still have some way to check for a timeout: <file bash>
#!/bin/bash... est $seconds -gt 1 ; then
* **NOTE:** Ansible comes already with modul
# Arbeit setzt vorraus dass es ein solches File
# gibt, da es sonst zum fehler kommt.
# Daher wird nun das temp file mit "touch"
# zuvor angelegt.
# 2009-11-02 A... r FIX: der FIX vom 23.10. war bullshit!
# cat $file | xargs > $file ergibt eine leere
# Datei! Darum musste eine separate temp datei
# her.
ic links**, another way is to add a configuration File ( **/etc/docker/daemon.json** ) for the Docker da... nfigure the Docker daemon we need a configuration file now. As with UBUNTU 20.04 and the official Docker... lt. So we prepare the storage and create a config file: <code>
# trash everyhing at former (default) do... vp /yourDataDrive/docker/
# create configuration file for Docker daemon:
cat << 'EOF' > /etc/docker/dae
n script to
# check a users homedir for a "Flare"-File dropped by the Administrator after
# he reset the Users password. If that Flare-File is found the user is been
# forced to change his ... l Werner
# 2009-02-26 change: removed that "flare file" check. only check if pwdReset flag is set in LDA... amba pw separatly
# change: re-added the "flare file" check. because there are problems with the pwdre
ing the **/etc/network/interfaces** configuration file.
<note important>NOTE the weird looking **br0:0... ted in the first place.</note>
**This is how the file looks like for this case:**
<file config /etc/network/interfaces>
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
system – Specifies the location of the SYSTEM.DAT file.
/R:user – Specifies the location of the USER.DAT file.
filename1 – Specifies the file(s) to import into the registry.
/C filename2 – Specifies the file to create the registry from.
/E filename3 – Spec
m Disk (FD or SCSI) or any other compatible image file you can often download from the interwebs. Then y... D floppy drive:
dd if=/your/path/to/image/file/W30HDCD.OUT of=/dev/sdX
Where 'if=' defines the **input file** or input data which is your disk image you want put on a disk, and 'of=' defines the **output file**, which is your floppy drive device name. the na