My Solution on Assignment 2 - Problem 6
This is my Solution of Assignment 2 - Problem 6 from the Computer Science Course CS106A of Prof. Mehran Sahami at the STANFORD University.
/* * File: * Name: Axel Werner * Section Leader: * -------------------- * This file is the starter file for the Hailstone problem. */ import acm.program.*; /** * Class to ask User for a integer start number to * calculate Hailstone Numbers sequence. * @author Axel Werner */ public class Hailstone extends ConsoleProgram { /** * Main Program */ public void run() { println("Hailstone Calculator"); println("===================================\n\n"); int input = askForNumber(); println("Calculating Hailstone Numbers now:\n"); int tmp = doCalculations(input); println("Last Hailstone Number ('" + tmp + "') reached."); println("I needed '" + stepsCounter + "' Steps to reach this point.\n\n"); println("Im done. == TERMINATED =="); } /** * Method to calculate the Hailstone Numbers. * It takes a single positive integer number, calculates and prints out * the Hailstone Row and then returns the last Number (1). * * @param input any positive integer number * @return Always returns 1, as is always the last Hailstone Number in a Calculation. Why that? * Just for readability. */ private int doCalculations(int input) { int tmp = input; while(tmp!=1){ stepsCounter++; // increment the Step Counter. if( isEven(tmp) ){ int oldTmp=tmp; tmp=tmp/2; println( oldTmp + " is even. So i take 1/2: " + tmp ); }else{ // so must be Odd then... int oldTmp=tmp; tmp=tmp*3+1; println( oldTmp + " is odd. So i make 3n+1: " + tmp ); } } return tmp; } /** * Method asks User for a positive integer Number and * then return it. * * @return positive integer Number given by User Input. */ private int askForNumber() { int input = readInt("Pick a positive integer Number: "); while(input<=0){ println("ERROR: You need to pick a POSITIVE INTEGER. Please retry.\n"); input = readInt("Pick a positive integer Number: "); } println("Thanks!\n"); return input; } /** * Method takes an integer number to test if its even. * It returns TRUE if Number is even. * Else it returns FALSE. * * @param tmp integer number to test * @return TRUE if parameter is an even Number. Else returns FALSE. */ private boolean isEven(int tmp) { if(tmp%2!=0){ return false; // there is a remainder. So it must be ODD. }else{ return true; // there is NO remainder. So it must be EVEN. } } /** * Instance Var to keep track of the Number of Steps needed to reach 1 */ private int stepsCounter=0; }
— Axel Werner 2012-04-02 20:30
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