====== How i would install Ubuntu server 20.04 LTS with bridged interfaces? ======
w... A) like **fd00:feed:dead:beef::/64** .
* LINUX SERVER is a plain Linux PC with TWO network interfaces.
... network" or "demilitarized zone" between my Linux server and the cable router to the ISP. Its not yet open... xxx:xxxx:xxxx:feed:dead:beef:20/64** for my Linux server on the DMZ side. **Note:** the 'dead beef' thing
So we commented out all those "pool" lines.
server time.uni-freiburg.de
# your time server goes here ^^^^^
# it "maybe" is your local AD Domain controller itself, if it runs a local ntp time server.
- Start/Restart the local time synchro... comment if DNS SRV resolution is not working
# ad_server = dc.mydomain.example.com
# Uncomment if the AD
SVN/Subversion - Wie man sich einen einfachen SVN Server unter Ubuntu/Debian installiert ======
Dieser Ar... VN) auf Ubuntu / Debian inkl. der Einrichtung als Server-Dienst über das eigene SVN Protokoll.
===== Ins... s komplett leer sein!**
- Da wir später den SVN Server-Dienst nicht unter dem ROOT Benutzer laufen lasse... hl:<code>useradd -d /mnt/md6raid5/svnrepo -c 'svn-server service' -r -s /bin/false svn</code>
- Dabei
* [[it-artike... -or-add-a-static-ipv6-address-to-your-ipv4-ubuntu-server-with-bridged-interfaces]]
* [[.linux:how-to-install-ubuntu-server-2004-lts-with-bridged-interfaces]]
* [[.linux:CAVE Cloned VMs of UBUNTU 20.04 Server or Desktop all keep same IP address even when MAC
parate database/load balancer)
- using 3 UBUNTU Server VMs
- easy and fast to setup
- One site only... t stuff to read and know about: =====
* ubuntu server 20.04
* ssh passwordless public key authenticti... Installation / Setup: =====
- Setup 2-3 UBUNTU Server 20.04 VMs who can be reached via ssh. Must have u... ter (from 1st master nide!) :<code>
k3sup join --server --server-host k3s-master1.lan --host k3s-master2.
or add a static IPv6 address to your IPv4 Ubuntu Server with bridged interfaces? ======
I ran a UBUNTU Server 14.04/16.04 LTS on a computer on a small SOHO as a... nternal (LAN) use.
[PCs]==(LAN)==>[UBUNTU Server/Router]==(DMZ)==>[ISP Router]===>((Internet))
... his one of many reasons why i prefer my own Linux Server/Router/Gateway/Firewall between the LAN and the I
er verwendeten net Kommandos werden gegen Windows Server (NT4, Win 2000 oder Server 2003) gefahren. Ob diese auch gegen Linux Samba-Server eingesetzt werden können habe ich nicht getestet.....
===== Auflisten aller "lokalen" Gruppen auf dem Server =====
net rpc group LIST -u Administrator
====== CAVE cloning VMs of UBUNTU 20.04 Server or Desktop can result in networking problems. Same IP addre... c, people sometimes "clone" existing UBUNTU 20.04 Server VMs and later experience a problem in DHCP enable... y a unfortune combination of DHCP Client and DHCP Server in the network. While historically DHCP servers a... IP adresses to every new MAC address, a client or server today "can" request/send also other client identi
a two network interfaced Proxmox 7 virtualisation server. This is my network scenario we are going to work... de>
- Unplug USB Drive and plug it into Proxmox Server. Boot from USB drive. A somewhat graphical Grub B... d by ProxMox to create and install a "self signed server certificate" on the system, which is used for to ... should see a login message (issue / motd) on the server console, mentioning the URL to use in the next st
HTUNG: Slappadd darf nur bei ausgeschaltetem LDAP Server eingesetzt werden, da es wie bereits erwähnt DIRE... chen
-l file.ldif - load, lade Dateiinhalt in den Server
* Auslesen des gesamten LDAP Datenbank-... Einfache, nicht verschlüsselte Anmeldung am LDAP Server
-D 'cn=manager,dc=org' - "Username" bzw Objekt mit dem sich am LDAP server angemeldet wird. Es muss stets der komplette CN S
connected LAN with a local DHCP and "dynamic DNS" Server (bind).
* DHCP Clients provide their FQDN to the DHCP Server and receive IPv4.
* DHCP Server updates local DNS Server (bind) so that the client FQDN becomes resolvable network wide. (Domainname is .
=== How to install and configure Docker on UBUNTU Server 20.04 (and similar) ======
One can find "manual... httpd webserver on Port 80 or 443, or a local DNS server on port 53. Docker wont let us spin up containers... n my docker host was occupied by a productive DNS server. But i wanted to run "some 3rd party app" in a container which brings (and requires) its own DNS server on port 53. My goal was to run BOTH on the SAME H
m lokalen Netzwerk man sich selbst bzw der eigene Server befindet. Im Internet findet man aber leicht aktu... n Sie nach einer bestehenden Zeile beginnend mit "server" und ändern Sie diese ggf. entsprechend
- ander... gt: \\ <code>
# You do need to talk to an NTP server or two (or three).
#server ntp.ubuntu.com
server time.domain.de
- Starten Sie den ntp Daemo
With Linux we make use the pulseaudio audio server, which is default with pretty much every Linux di... just tell the pulseaudio daemon (our local audio server) to add in an audio compressor plugin into our au... or whatever) so they can reconnect the the audio server . THATS IT! Enjoy!
** Btw: BIG THANKS to [[http... !! THANKS MATE! **
--- //[[mail@awerner.myhome-server.de|Axel Werner]] 2018-06-25 06:26//