learning python3 - frameIt.py - command line tool to frame text on the console

These are my first steps in python programming language. The result is a little cli tool/function/library (whatever you call it ) that will encapsulate any given text within a ASCII Character frame. Either as command line arguments with dynamic resizing of the frame, or within python as a function with more freedom to define width and look of the frame.

See these Demos:

python frameIt.py "Hello World!" "How are you?"

# Hello World! #
# How are you? #

of when called without any CLI Arguments it runs the internal demo function call:

python frameIt.py

DEMO of the frameIt() function:

#                                                #
# Hello World!                                   #
# Isn't this Cool,eh?                            #
# python is nice sometimes.                      #
# And easy to learn too for beginners.           #
#                                                #
# This was just a little training for my         #
# first steps in python3. free for               #
# personal, non-commercial use only!             #
#                                                #
# in 2015 by Axel Werner                         #
# axel.werner.1973@gmail.com                     #
#                                                #

The code

    This was just a little python3 experiment and training 
    for my first steps in learning python3. 
    Code is free for educational, personal use as long it is used
    for non-commercial purposes. 
    written in python3 by by Axel Werner in 2015
    eMail: axel.werner.1973@gmail.com
import sys
def hr(fillCharacter='#', width=79):
    return fillCharacter * width
def frameIt(textList,width=79,fillCharacter='*'):
    frameIt() takes three arguments, a list of strings (lines of text),
    an integer which determines the width of your terminal/console/frame,
    and a string of a single character used to "frame" the 
    text into.
    frame=  hr(fillCharacter, width) + "\n" + \
            enclose(textList, fillCharacter, width) + \
            hr(fillCharacter, width)+ "\n"
    return frame
def frameItAuto(textList,fillCharacter='*'):
    frameIt() takes two arguments, a list of strings (lines of text),
    and a string of a single character used to "frame" the 
    text into.
    #peak detector - determine max length all lines given
    for line in textList:
        if lenOfLine >= maxLineLen:
    width=maxLineLen+4 # add 4 framing charakters to maxLineLen
    frame=  hr(fillCharacter, width) + "\n" + \
            enclose(textList, fillCharacter, width) + \
            hr(fillCharacter, width)+ "\n"
    return frame
def enclose(textList, frameCharacter, width):
    for line in textList:
        fillerCharakter=" "
        newTextBlock=newTextBlock+ frameCharacter + " " + line + filler + " " + frameCharacter + "\n" 
    return newTextBlock
def main(argv):
    if not argv:
        print("DEMO of the frameIt() function: \n\n")
            "Hello World!",
            "Isn't this Cool,eh?", 
            "python is nice sometimes.", 
            "And easy to learn too for beginners.", 
            "This was just a little training for my ",
            "first steps in python3. free for",
            "personal, non-commercial use only!",
            "in 2015 by Axel Werner ",
        print ( frameIt(textList, 50, '#') )
        print ( frameItAuto(argv, '#') )
if __name__ == "__main__":

Axel Werner 2015-08-03 16:56