OpenLDAP, ppolicy und passwd - Oder wie man den Passwortwechsel auf der Shell erzwingen kann

Dies ist kein Vollständiges Howto. Es ist nur ein ein kleiner Teil eines größeren Linux LDAP und Fileserver Projektes basierend auf Debian 5 Lenny, OpenLDAP, Samba und diversen Weiteren Linux Komponenten. Es ist ein TEIL des Linux Login-Scriptes welches über /etc/profile aufgerufen wird. Es überprüft ob das Linux-Passwort des Users abgelaufen ist und warnt bzw zwingt den Benutzer dazu sein Linux Passwort ggf zu ändern.

Diese Seite soll nur für Anregungen dienen und zeigen wie ich das eine oder andere Problem dabei gelöst habe.

Dabei ist zu bemerken dass ich hier nicht die in linux sonst so übliche Shadow-Passwords Technologie verwende, sondern primär auf OpenLDAP als Benutzerdatenbank im zusammenspiel mit dem OpenLDAP Overlay ppolicy setze.
# /usr/local/bin/         by Axel Werner (
#   FREE for Use/modify/copy as long you include my Name and eMail Adress as original Source.
#   SELLING of this Script or even Parts of this Script is not allowed! 
# This Script is to be sourced by /etc/profile or similar login script to
# check a users homedir for a "Flare"-File dropped by the Administrator after
# he reset the Users password. If that Flare-File is found the user is been
# forced to change his password for security reasons. 
# Version:	2009-07-20
# Version History:
# 2008-01-22	first Release by Axel Werner
# 2009-02-26	change: removed that "flare file" check. only check if pwdReset flag is set in LDAP. 
#			Else dont force user to reset pw as its been already set by samba or something else.
# 2009-03-05	add:	since debian 5.0 the "grace login" feature of openldaps ppolicy overlay got fixed.
#			therefor its nesesary to handly with it so users with expired passwords are not
#			getting locked out permanently. i added a check for grace logins so the user gets
#			a warning and an information about how many grace logins he got left.
# 2009-03-16	add:	notice added that the user needs to change samba pw separatly 
#		change:	re-added the "flare file" check. because there are problems with the pwdreset attribut 
#			which locks out the user for some reason.
# 2009-07-20	change:	Enabled TLS by adding -ZZ to any LDAP Command 
#set -x
# set the default ppolicy for normal users here so i can lookup their grace logins
# check for ldap attribut 'pwdReset' if users pw has been reseted by admin
flag=`ldapsearch -ZZ -x -LLL '(uid='"${USER}"')' 'pwdReset' | grep pwdReset | cut -s -f2 -d':'`
# check for flare-file if users pw has been reseted by admin
if test -f ~/${flare}; then {
	#echo "Flare-File found in Homedirectory..."
	flag=' TRUE'
if [ "${flag}" = ' TRUE' ] ; then
    cat <<EOF 
ATTENTION:	Your Password has been reseted by your Administrator.
		For security reason you will NOW have to change your password
		to something ONLY YOU know about.
NOTE:		MAKE SURE your new password contains at least one UPPERCASE, 
		a NUMBER and one SPECIAL character. Else your will not be able to
		change your password and so you cannot log in properly.
		NOW Please Enter Your OLD PASSWORD FIRST! (Those given by your Admin)
    while ! passwd; do 
	cat <<EOF
FAILURE: Changing your password failed. Maybe you used one of your older passwords or
         your new password does not meet the password-requirements. Please Retry!
AGAIN: Start entering your OLD Passwort first, then enter new Password 	and confirm 
       new password again. 
    rm ~/${flare} > /dev/null 2>&1
    cat <<EOF
Your Linux Console-Password has been Changed successfully! Thank You!
NOTICE: Dont forget to change/update your Samba Password too using your Windows PC. 
################## GRACE LOGIN CHECK ###############################################
GraceLoginsUses=`ldapsearch -ZZ -x -LLL '(uid='"${USER}"')' pwdGraceUseTime | grep ^pwdGraceUseTime | wc -l`
if [ "${GraceLoginsUses}" != '0' ] ; then
	pwdGraceAuthNLimit=`ldapsearch -ZZ -x -LLL -b "${ppolicydn}" pwdGraceAuthNLimit | grep ^pwdGraceAuthNLimit | cut -s -f2 -d':'`
	# trim leading and trailing whitespace from a variable
	let loginsleft="${pwdGraceAuthNLimit}-${GraceLoginsUses}-1"
	if [ "${loginsleft}" -lt "1" ] ; then
		cat <<EOF 
ATTENTION:	Your Password has expired! 
		If you dont change your password NOW your Account will
		become permanently locked.		
NOTE:		MAKE SURE your new password contains at least one UPPERCASE, 
		a NUMBER and a SPECIAL character. Else your will not be able to
		change your password and so you cannot log in properly.
		NOW Please Enter Your OLD PASSWORD FIRST! 
		while ! passwd; do 
			cat <<EOF
FAILURE: Changing your password failed. Maybe you used one of your older passwords or
         your new password does not meet the password-requirements. Please Retry!
AGAIN: Start entering your OLD Passwort first, then enter new Password 	and confirm 
       new password again. 
		cat <<EOF
Your Linux Console-Password has been Changed successfully! Thank You!
NOTICE: Dont forget to change/update your Samba Password too using your Windows PC. 
		cat <<EOF
It seems your Password has expired and THIS is a GRACE LOGIN.
You MUST change your Password within your remaining grace logins,
else your account will become LOCKED.
		echo "You have ${loginsleft} grace logins left!"
		echo "Press ENTER to confirm..."
set +x

Axel Werner 2010-12-30 19:26