====== shellscript - automatically fix wrong filename extensions - fix-filename-extension.sh ====== Its a little weird topic. But when you have to deal a lot with "non IT people" throwing around lots of files like photos and/or archive files and they mix up each and every file format and filename extensions, it quickly can get messy. This shell script is a early attempt to quickly and easily find these "messed up" (falsely renamed) files on a data volume and have the filename extension "fixed" if possible. This is specially important in mixed platform environment with Windows, Mac and Linux/Unix where sometimes apps act on filename extensions and sometimes on the actual file content. The shell script is nowhere near complete or comprehensive yet. But its a possible start and building block and might be a help for someone else too. :!: **Since this script actually modifies files in a filesystem recursively, actual use might be somewhat dangerous/harmful. So be warned and use at your own risk!** #!/bin/bash # # fix filename extension script Version 2018-12-08 # in current directory (recursively) # # by Axel Werner [axel.werner.1973@gmail.com] # [mail@awerner.myhome-server.de] # # CHANGE HISTORY: # ========================= # # 2018-12-08 A.Werner Release V1.0 # # # #TODO: # - xxxx # set -e #set -x # define some colors for console output RED='\033[91m' YELLOW='\033[93m' GREEN='\033[92m' BLUE='\033[96m' NOCOLOR='\033[0m' NC=$NOCOLOR function print { echo -e "$@" } function printInfo { echo -e "$NC""$@""$NC" } function printWarning { echo -e "$YELLOW""$@""$NC" } function printError { echo -e "$RED""$@""$NC" } function printDebug { echo -e "$BLUE""DEBUG: $@""$NC" } function reportCaseDetected { printDebug "\tcase '$newFileExtension' detected ..." } function toUpper { echo "$@" | tr [a-z] [A-Z] } function toLower { echo "$@" | tr [A-Z] [a-z] } function noSpaces { echo "$@" | tr -d '[:space:]' } function testFileExtention { fileExtensionIsUppercase=$( toUpper "$fileExtensionIs" ) newFileExtensionUpper=$( toUpper "$newFileExtension" ) if [ "$fileExtensionIsUppercase" = "$newFileExtensionUpper" ] ; then printDebug "\tFile extension matches content." return 0 else printWarning "\tFile extension missmatch detected. File '$fileNameWithPath' is of type '$fileTypeDescCompressed'. Expected filename extension is: '$newFileExtension' ." return -1 fi } find . -type f -print0 | while read -d $'\0' f ; do fileNameWithPath="$f" print "\nProcessing '$fileNameWithPath' ..." fileTypeDescription=$(file "$fileNameWithPath" | cut -f2 -d':') printDebug "\tFile Type is\t\t: '$fileTypeDescription'" fileExtensionIs="${fileNameWithPath##*.}" fileBaseNameNoExt="${fileNameWithPath%.*}" printDebug "\tFile Extension is\t: '$fileExtensionIs'" printDebug "\tFilename without Ext is\t: '$fileBaseNameNoExt'" fileTypeDescCompressed=$( toUpper $( noSpaces "${fileTypeDescription}" ) ) case $fileTypeDescCompressed in ( PNGIMAGEDATA* ) newFileExtension=png reportCaseDetected if ! testFileExtention ; then mv -v "$fileNameWithPath" "${fileBaseNameNoExt}.${newFileExtension}" fi ;; ( JPEGIMAGEDATA* ) newFileExtension=jpg reportCaseDetected if ! testFileExtention ; then # test for special case when extension has an alternative name. if [ $( toUpper $fileExtensionIs ) = $( toUpper "jpeg" ) ] ; then print "\t\tAlternative filename extention 'jpeg' accepted. Moving on..." else mv -v "$fileNameWithPath" "${fileBaseNameNoExt}.${newFileExtension}" fi fi ;; ( *AVI*VIDEO ) newFileExtension=avi reportCaseDetected # we dont temper with video files just yet. ;; ( ISOMEDIA*MP4V2* | ISOMEDIA*M4V*VIDEO | ISOMEDIA*MP4* ) newFileExtension=mp4 reportCaseDetected # we dont temper with video files just yet. ;; ( *ISOMEDIA*3GPP* ) newFileExtension=3gp reportCaseDetected # we dont temper with video files just yet. ;; ( *RARARCHIVEDATA* | 7-ZIPARCHIVEDATA* ) newFileExtension='-ARCHIVE-' reportCaseDetected # we dont temper with archive files just yet. ;; ( *MATROSKADATA* ) newFileExtension=mkv reportCaseDetected # we dont temper with video files just yet. ;; ( SENDMAIL* | DATA ) newFileExtension='-miscDataFile-' reportCaseDetected # we dont temper with misc data files just yet. ;; ( MICROSOFTASF ) newFileExtension=wmv reportCaseDetected # we dont temper with video files just yet. ;; ( MPEGSEQUENCE,V1* ) newFileExtension=mpg reportCaseDetected # we dont temper with video files just yet. ;; ( MACROMEDIAFLASHVIDEO ) newFileExtension=flv reportCaseDetected # we dont temper with video files just yet. ;; ( DOSEXECUTABLE* ) newFileExtension='-DosExecutable-' reportCaseDetected # we dont temper with that files just yet. ;; ( WEBM ) newFileExtension=webm reportCaseDetected # we dont temper with video files just yet. ;; ( BOURNE-AGAINSHELLSCRIPT* ) newFileExtension='-BashScript-' reportCaseDetected # we dont temper with shell script files just yet. ;; ( ASCIITEXT ) newFileExtension='-ASCII-' reportCaseDetected # we dont temper with ASCII files just yet. ;; ( *STRING* ) newFileExtension=EXTENSION reportCaseDetected # we dont temper with video files just yet. ;; ( *STRING* ) newFileExtension=EXTENSION reportCaseDetected # we dont temper with video files just yet. ;; ( *STRING* ) newFileExtension=EXTENSION reportCaseDetected # we dont temper with video files just yet. ;; ( *STRING* ) newFileExtension=EXTENSION reportCaseDetected # we dont temper with video files just yet. ;; ( *STRING* ) newFileExtension=EXTENSION reportCaseDetected # we dont temper with video files just yet. ;; ( * ) printError "ERROR: We dont know how to handle file type '$fileTypeDescCompressed' yet. Please extend this shell script manually so it gets better." exit -1 esac done --- //[[mail@awerner.myhome-server.de|Axel Werner]] 2018-12-08 17:17// {{tag>linux cli bash shellscript file extensions filenames photos}}