====== Command line (cli) examples for use with LBRY a.k.a. ODYSEE video platform (youtube alternative) ====== If your are a former Youtuber switching to ODYSEE a.k.a. LBRY, you might be interested in how to control and use ODYSEE/LBRY from the command line, for faster and easier video transcoding, easier uploading and such. The true professional knows, the CLI may not look pretty, but is far superior and faster compared to any GUI. Windows and GUIs are for gaming. Real work is done in the terminal. ===== Prerequirements: ===== We just need the common goodies like: - ffmpeg - curl ===== Transcoding / Optimizing for LBRY/ODYSEE upload : ===== According to [[https://lbry.com/faq/video-publishing-guide]] LBRY/ODYSEE recommend content to meet some specifications, to get maximum compatibility and performance. That may change in the future of the platform. However for a start i recommend to follow their advice. For easy use we create a little shell script that we simply use to throw our content at and it spits out something optimized. Like... **USAGE: odysee-transcode yourVideoFileNameHere** sudo -i cat << 'EOFFF' > /usr/local/bin/odysee-transcode #/bin/bash # # author: axel.werner.1973@gmail.com # version: 2021-02-13 0933 utc # # Based on https://lbry.com/faq/video-publishing-guide # # if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then echo "$0 : Error: Illegal number of parameters. " >&2 cat << EOF Usage: ====== $0 yourVideoFileHere.xxx EOF exit 3 fi IN="$1" OUT="odysee-$IN.mp4" if [ ! -f "$IN" ]; then echo "$0 : Error: File not found: '$IN' " >&2 exit 1 fi if [ -f "$OUT" ]; then echo "$0 : Error: Output file exists: '$OUT' . Aborting." >&2 ls -larth "$IN" "$OUT" exit 2 fi ffmpeg -i "$IN" \ -c:v libx264 \ -crf 21 \ -preset faster \ -pix_fmt yuv420p \ -maxrate 5000K \ -bufsize 5000K \ -vf 'scale=if(gte(iw\,ih)\,min(1920\,iw)\,-2):if(lt(iw\,ih)\,min(1920\,ih)\,-2)' \ -movflags +faststart \ -c:a aac \ -b:a 160k \ "$OUT" ls -larth "$IN" "$OUT" EOFFF chmod -v +x /usr/local/bin/odysee-transcode exit ===== Upload to ODYSEE/LBRY : ===== FIXME Hmmm.... Haven't found yet. ===== FIXME: ===== FIXME ===== FIXME: ===== FIXME ===== FIXME: ===== FIXME {{tag>linux cli command line commandline examples odysee youtube video transcoding upload channel ffmpeg}}